
DMS completes ISO-9001 Certification, certified mobile PET/CT provider

DMS Health Technologies, a leading provider of Mobile MRI, PET, and CT imaging, recently announced that it has obtained ISO-9001 certification. ISO 9001 is the international standard for quality management systems (QMS).

What is ISO-9001 certification and why does it matter?

Organizations in various industries leverage the ISO-9001 standard as a way to demonstrate their ability to consistently offer products and services that meet these specific requirements.

In the healthcare sector, standards help minimize errors, reduce redundancy, lower costs, and increase customer satisfaction. It’s critical for a provider like DMS to offer quality equipment to hospitals and bring the same level of care to their patients, especially when they’re operating as an extension of the hospital.

Covering everything from product fulfillment and maintenance to overall quality management, ISO offers a framework for identifying non-conformance and provides corrective processes. Each step is a chain of events, a series of inputs and outputs, and when they’re successfully connected to each other to work as an effective process, it provides the most efficient path to quality.

Imaging Equipment and Services

For DMS equipment, the certification was focused on how to fulfill an order and execute the deliverables within the contract. The DMS team expects their equipment to arrive on time, be clean, well maintained, and ready to go.

The ISO certification didn’t just help with the leasing side of their business. On the service side, delivery included DMS staff that provided diagnostic imaging on the hospital’s patients. With DMS’ ISO certification, hospitals can have peace of mind that both equipment and services comply with standards of excellence, which allows DMS to represent the hospital well.

When you leverage DMS Health Technologies, either for products or services, they serve as an extension of your organization. The ISO 9001-2015 certification is just one more way that DMS has demonstrated their commitment to the satisfaction of their customers and to the overall quality they provide.


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