
Digirad’s Ergo: Improving Pediatric Diagnostic Imaging

Scientific posters are one of the highlights at the SNMMI Annual Meeting, where thousands of medical professionals gather to explore the newest developments in nuclear imaging. This year, Digirad’s Ergo™ Imaging System is featured on a poster created by Michael Czachowski, Marcy Stoecklein, Scott Connors, Jennifer Conver, Thomas Harding, and Ashok Muthukrishnan, M.D. of Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (CHP) of UPMC, a long-time Digirad customer.

The abstract poster, titled “Merits of a solid-state portable camera in a pediatric imaging environment,” explains why CHP chose the Ergo, and the tremendous benefits it has offered to the hospital.

Digirad recently spoke with Michael Czachowski about the way CHP has used its Ergo camera. CHP’s Ergo was purchased nearly four years ago and has been used in a variety of applications throughout the hospital. Czachowski spoke highly of the Ergo’s convenient portability, explaining that it is often taken directly into the CICU or operating room, both of which have very limited space. CHP also brings the Ergo into patient units when the patient’s condition is too critical to permit movement. He went further to explain the cost savings and the staff’s appreciation of Ergo’s portability by eliminating the need for nurses, and in some cases physicians and respiratory technicians, to wait in the nuclear medicine department during the entire scan process. Czachowski also praised the Ergo’s reliability, noting that it has been used daily for nearly four years with only two days of downtime.

If you’d like to learn more about CHP’s experience with Digirad’s Ergo, we encourage you to stop by the SNMMI Exhibit Hall to view the poster. Visit Hall 5 to see the full poster published under Abstract No. 2653, and meet the authors Monday, June 9 between 3:00pm and 4:30pm. Click here to read the abstract online.

Visit Digirad’s Booth 1503 at the SNMMI 2014 Annual Meeting to see the Ergo on exhibit and learn how it can benefit your healthcare system.


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