Replacement & Rental Solutions

GE Series 600/800 Camera Recall

Keep your lab up and running with mobile nuclear and camera rental services from Digirad.

Solutions for GE Series 600/800 Recall

If your lab has been affected by the GE 600 and 800 Series nuclear camera recall, Digirad has options to keep you up and running. 

Options for recalled nuclear medicine cameras

Inventory is Limited

Don’t stop imaging while you wait for a fix for your recalled GE nuclear camera. Take action and find a solution for your organization. Inventory is limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Want to learn more? Contact us to request availability, pricing, and more.

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About Digirad

Digirad is a leading manufacturer and supplier of nuclear imaging cameras. Based out of California, we have the largest mobile nuclear fleet in America and specialize in solid-state SPECT imaging. 

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