
What to do if you fail an IAC audit

So you failed an audit…

During each period of accreditation, your practice will be subjected to an audit by the IAC. You should expect a notice of audit, via email, at any time during this period. Be sure to have a valid email address on file, one that is monitored regularly. Once the audit is complete, you’ll receive approval or a time-sensitive notice regarding your non-compliance.

It’s important to avoid your accreditation from lapsing, so throughout the accreditation period, it’s critical that you stay organized and on track. Proactive planning and implementing appropriate processes and controls will assuredly minimize your risk of a failed audit.

If you receive notification of a failed audit, there are generally three steps to follow:

  • Read the letter carefully. You will need to respond to each deficiency. Common areas of non-compliance include substandard execution of quality improvement meetings and documented meeting minutes, patient reporting, required policies, quality control and physician CME documentation.
  • Submit your corrective action plan within 30 days. Be sure to provide detailed actions for each violation.
  • Submit documentation of the completed action within 60 days. You will have exactly 60 days to implement your corrective plan, and you must provide the appropriate documentation as evidence of having done so.

No one wants to fail an audit, but thankfully there is a process to address any issues. Act quickly, be conscious of deadlines and start planning now for the next one.


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