
Medaxiom Spring Conference Preview

MedAxiom’s annual CV TransForum Conference will be held in sunny Ponte Vedra, Florida from April 7 – 9, 2016. Each year, this premier event gathers industry leaders together to exchange information, share experiences, network with their peers, and discuss industry trends, practical business applications, and best practices.

Representing hundreds of programs from across the country, the cardiovascular community conference will introduce you to executives, consultants, and other professionals. Attendees will learn about some remarkable transformational programs and hear from the nation’s top leaders. They’ll share their advice on how to stay ahead of the curve in today’s ever-changing and complex healthcare environment.

This year’s itinerary includes noteworthy and well-timed general session topics, detailed breakout presentations and more intimate group discussions. From the big picture to deep dive dialogues, attendees will have a variety of opportunities to gain in-depth insight and real-world solutions for the challenges experienced individually and as an industry.

If you’re a hospital or service line administrator, physician leader, CFO, COO or a technologist, you won’t want to miss this opportunity. Digirad is proud to be an exhibitor at the 2016 Transformation Conference again this year. To learn more about MedAxiom and upcoming events, visit their website.


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